Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to answer any questions.

  • How is vasectomy done?

    Non-scalpel vasectomy is performed under local anesthesia by two small punctures on the scrotum, the whole procedure takes about five minutes and is described in detail here.

    No Scalpel Vasectomy

    When can I have my first sexual intercourse after a vasectomy?

    After a scalpel-free vasectomy, it is possible to have non-coital sexual intercourse (without inserting the penis into the vagina) or masturbation immediately after the procedure. Coital activities should be postponed for 3 days until the wounds heal.

    Is vasectomy really irreversible?

    Sperm are still produced in the testes even after vasectomy. The success of subsequent reconnection of the vas deferens after vasectomy and the possibility of natural conception is only around 50-60 %. Another option for is to remove the sperm directly from the testicle and subsequent IVF.

    What is the chance that I will have some complications after a vasectomy?

    Complications such as bleeding, pain and inflammation while using No Scalpel Vasectomy are reported in only 2,3 % of cases, and pain at the surgical site is reported in 1 %. Risks of surgery are minimal.

    What is the difference between no scalpel procedure and a classic method?

    To perform No Scalpel Vasectomy, specific instruments are needed to quickly capture the vas deferens and pulling it to the skin's surface through a small puncture. This method reduces both the pain and the duration of treatment, and also minimizes the rate of complications such as bleeding. With the classical method of vasectomy, the scrotum is cut open with a scalpel and then the surgeon finds the vas deferens.

    Will anything change sexually after a vasectomy?

    Vasectomy has no effect on the quality of erection, experiencing orgasm (climax) and achieving ejaculation (semen ejection). The volume of ejaculate is reduced by 3-5 %, because most of the semen comes from the prostate and seminal vesicles. Performing a vasectomy does not affect the level of sex hormones and the associated libido (sexual desire).

    Where does ejaculate come from

    Studies show that men after vasectomy have more sexual intercourse and enjoy it more (they do not worry about unwanted fertilization and do not have to use condoms, interrupted intercourse and other methods preventing spontaneity of sexual intercourse) and these men have more sexual partners.

    What happens to sperm after a vasectomy when they can't go away?

    The body breaks them down after some time. The testicles do not enlarge after a vasectomy. The epididymis, which is a drainage structure on the back of the testicle, slightly enlarges. The magnification is imperceptible, about 1 mm in width.

    Will the testicles in the scrotum be in the same place after a vasectomy?

    The vas deferens have no supporting function for the testicle. The testicles are located in their covers and are fixed by ligaments and muscle. After vasectomy, the position of the testicle in the scrotum will not change.

    What happens if sperm are found in the control spermiogram?

    Most likely, it is an imperfect cleansing from the remaining sperm - which we are able to recognize from the spermiogram parameter. About 2 % of men need more than 3 months to cleanse sperm. The next spermiogram follows in 6 weeks. If, for any reason, the vas deferens grow together, or we do not detect the presence of a vas deferens, we guarantee that we will interrupt the vas deferens or the fused vas deferens without any additional financial costs.

    Will orgasm change after a vasectomy?

    No, after a vasectomy there is no change in experiencing or reaching orgasm, only the volume of semen is reduced by a maximum of 5 %.

    What is the price of male sterilization?

    The complete price of the procedure at our clinic is CZK 17,000. More information can be found here.

    Is it possible to enlarge and swollen the testicle after a vasectomy?

    Yes, it is theoretically possible, but it is not likely. In some cases, chronic inflammation in the epididymis area may flare up after the procedure, which is treatable with antibiotics. If there is postoperative swelling, it usually subsides within a few days. Healing can be promoted by cooling the scrotum and taking the over-the-counter drug Aescin.

    Where is a vasectomy performed?

    Scalpel-free vasectomy is performed in clinics in Prague and Olomouc. More information can be found here.

    What does "vasectomy" mean?

    In Latin, "your" is a blood vessel, in Greek "ectomé" an exemption. Thus, it is a surgical removal of part of the vas deferens (vas deferens).

    How many vasectomies have you performed?

    From February 2015 to the end of April 2024, we performed 5027 scalpel-free vasectomies.

  • How is vasectomy compared with female contraception?

    Female contraceptive tablets are quite expensive and the cost increases over the time of use. Vasectomy is a one-time investment, which, is cheaper in total. Hormonal contraceptives have a higher failure rate than vasectomy. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives may produce many health risks for women. Vasectomy is far less physically stressful. Vasectomy is considered an irreversible procedure, and woman’s contraceptives allow for conception after the contraceptives are discontinued.

    Does vasectomy increase the incidence of cancer?

    In several studies of large cohorts of patients, it was concluded that vasectomy does not increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, testicular cancer or other organs cancer.

    Who performed no scalpel vasectomy first?

    In 1974, a Chinese doctor Li Shunqiang. More than 8 million of these surgeries were performed in China. In the United States, where vasectomy is a very popular method of contraception, the No Scalpel method was first used in 1988 and from there it spread further. Annually, 500,000 operations are performed in the United States, largely without the use of a scalpel.

    Founders of no scalpel vasectomy

    Can chronic testicular or epididymis pain occur after a vasectomy?

    The literature describes a unique possibility of chronic testicular or epididymis pain, but the mechanism of these pains has not yet been identified. In the case of chronic testicular pain, it is possible to remove the epididymis (the testicle and its hormonal production will be preserved), or to reopen the vas deferens, or to perform microsurgical denervation of the testicle, which interrupts the nerves conducting impulses from the testicle.

    Can epididymis occur after a vasectomy?

    In chronic epididymis, an acute flare-up may occur after a vasectomy, a condition that is well treatable with antibiotics.

    What are the contraceptive options for men?

    Male forms of contraception include condom use and interrupted intercourse. Vasectomy is considered a form of sterilization - an irreversible method of contraception.

    Is injection sterilization possible in a man?

    In the United States, sterilization is performed by injection, but its reliability is not as high as that of interruptions in the vas deferens. In the countries of the European Union, injection sterilization is not yet possible.

    What is the risk of fertilization after vasectomy?

    Extremely low. But in large studies, it's never 0%. This is due to the fact that not all clinics perform a control spermiogram after a vasectomy and there is a small risk of excess vas deferens or fusion of vas deferens immediately after vasectomy. The control spermiogram reveals these abnormalities. Thus, after a vasectomy with a control spermiogram, the risk of fertilization is close to zero.

    How does a vasectomy work?

    After rupture of the vas deferens, spermatozoa can not get out of the testicles and epididymis. This makes fertilization impossible. Sperm are still formed after a vasectomy, but over time they decompose.

    Is it possible to have vasectomy covered by an insurance company?

    Vasectomy is not covered by health insurance companies in the Czech Republic. It is possible in specific cases to ask the insurance company's reviewing physician to pay for the procedure, but according to our experience, they usually do not approve the reimbursement.

    When is it appropriate to perform a vasectomy?

    Worldwide statistics show that vasectomy is best suited for men who already have as many children as they intended and who have a stable relationship.

    From what age is it possible to undergo a vasectomy?

    Czech law allows vasectomy at your own request from the age of 21. For medical reasons, it is possible to undergo a vasectomy from the age of 18, but an expert assessment is necessary.

    Who performs a vasectomy?

    The procedures are performed by experienced surgeons, we have performed more than 5000 surgeries, which is an advantage due to high surgical practice. The surgeons are Dr. Lukáš Bittner, Dr. Otakar Štanc, Dr. Kateřina Šrámková, Dr. Jakub Řezáč, Dr. David Čapka and Dr. Nicola Hromčíková. More information can be found here.

    Is it better to have an open-ended vasectomy of the vas deferens?

    One of the possible techniques of vasectomy is to leave the end from the testicle without ligation - an open-ended vasectomy. Papers have been published on this topic that have stated that leaving the free end of the vas deferens reduces the risk of complications, especially inflammation. But upon close examination and comparison of multiple published studies, these benefits were not confirmed. Currently, there is no recommendation to perform open-ended vasectomies by the European Society of Urology or the American Society of Urology.

    How to conduct a video call consultation?

    First, you need to install Skype or Teams and create an account. You can download Skype here, Teams here. Next, book a date of consultation via video call, it is possible here. When booking, you need to enter the email you registered in Skype or Teams in the form. Before consultation, please check the functionality of your microphone and camera. We will contact you on the selected date. Our Skype name is "Vazektomie".

No scalpel vasectomy

Safe male contraceptive

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